Tuna, Striped Bass, Cod and Haddock Fishing Gloucester, MA
We enjoyed some great fishing on the Karen Lynn during the 2013 season. Starting off in April with excellent ground fishing for Cod and Haddock, many days with great action and bent rods allowing clients to take home plenty of fresh fish, some of the best New England has to offer. Some days you had to bounce around a bit but we always seemed to find some good action, on most Cod and Haddock trips we usually had a run in with a shark or two as there seemed to be a lot of them around. Mostly blue sharks but an occasional Porbeagle or Mako shark would show up which can be an excellent fight as well as good table fare, always exciting seeing a big shark swim up behind the boat.
Striped Bass Fishing Gloucester, MA
A great mix of Striped Bass started showing up in late May right behind the mackerel. Creating some fun and exciting action on most trips with great Striped Bass fishing continuing through June and July. With some Monster Striped Bass being landed, some times it takes patience waiting on that big one to come along but it is certainly worth it. The coast of Gloucester offers some great Striped Bass Fishing with the chance of catching a true trophy Striped Bass!
Bluefin Tuna Fishing Gloucester, MA
The Blue fin Tuna showed up off of Gloucester in June which gave us a chance at catching a few early season Tuna. As the Season went on the tuna started to settle into certain areas but not for long as the bait fish were always on the move. So staying on top of that and making good decisions on any given day would give us our shot at hooking up. With more and more baitfish showing up every year it’s always exciting to see what size and class of fish show up! Looking forward to the new season as new groups and different size class tuna should be showing up off of Gloucester.
Karen Lynn Charters Gloucester, MA
Thanks to all who joined us aboard the Karen Lynn we always appreciate returning clients as well as all the new clients who joined us and we hope to see you again. High hopes for a great new season, always look forward to seeing old friends and making new ones creating some great memories on the water!

Karen Lynn Charters Striped Bass Fishing Gloucester,MA.

Karen Lynn Charters Striped Bass Fishing Gloucester,MA.

Karen Lynn Charters Striped Bass Fishing Gloucester,MA.