Warm weather is right around the corner! Get out on the water and away from it all with a fun day of fishing. Contact us anytime to book your adventure on the water! Thanks!
Capt Collin MacKenzie
Warm weather is right around the corner! Get out on the water and away from it all with a fun day of fishing. Contact us anytime to book your adventure on the water! Thanks!
Capt Collin MacKenzie
Cod and Haddock fishing charters out of Gloucester, MA are underway! After a long winter the Karen Lynn has been freshly prepared for a new 2019 season. Very excited to be back at it, and looking forward to a great new season with many new adventures!
The Haddock fishing has been amazing for us so far. Much action to be had as the haddock are quick to bite as soon as your baited clam rig hits the bottom. Lots of laughs and action as multiple people are fishing at once. As always there is a friendly wager among the group for biggest fish which always keeps things interesting. A great trip for family and friends or a company outing, it’s also a great way to cure the cabin fever! Bringing home lots of fresh Haddock is a great bonus as well.
Cod and Haddock fishing off of Gloucester, MA is renowned for being a great location. We will target cod and haddock, but will also land pollock, wolfish, cusk and many other species. Gloucester Massachusetts is a perfect choice for deep sea fishing. As we are very close to some of the best locations New England has to offer. Including Jeffries Ledge, Tillies Bank, and Stellwagen bank to name a few. Which means Cod and Haddock fishing out of Gloucester, MA means a shorter ride to the fishing grounds and more time fishing. Our waters off Gloucester produce some of the best table fare the ocean has to offer. Being located at the Cape Ann Marina in Gloucester, MA. Most groups will take there catch up to the outdoor bar and have them cook it up anyway you like. While enjoying a drink looking over looking the beautiful Annisquam river!
Please feel free to call or email anytime with any questions at all you may have. Thank you!
We have been enjoying some great Cod and Haddock fishing aboard Karen Lynn Charters when the weather gives us a chance. Lots of rod bending action with happy clients taking home some of the finest fish New England has to offer! Hoping the weather continues to improve and warm up! Soon enough the mackerel will be here with the Striped Bass and the Tuna right on their tails!
We enjoyed some great fishing on the Karen Lynn during the 2013 season. Starting off in April with excellent ground fishing for Cod and Haddock, many days with great action and bent rods allowing clients to take home plenty of fresh fish, some of the best New England has to offer. Some days you had to bounce around a bit but we always seemed to find some good action, on most Cod and Haddock trips we usually had a run in with a shark or two as there seemed to be a lot of them around. Mostly blue sharks but an occasional Porbeagle or Mako shark would show up which can be an excellent fight as well as good table fare, always exciting seeing a big shark swim up behind the boat.
A great mix of Striped Bass started showing up in late May right behind the mackerel. Creating some fun and exciting action on most trips with great Striped Bass fishing continuing through June and July. With some Monster Striped Bass being landed, some times it takes patience waiting on that big one to come along but it is certainly worth it. The coast of Gloucester offers some great Striped Bass Fishing with the chance of catching a true trophy Striped Bass!
The Blue fin Tuna showed up off of Gloucester in June which gave us a chance at catching a few early season Tuna. As the Season went on the tuna started to settle into certain areas but not for long as the bait fish were always on the move. So staying on top of that and making good decisions on any given day would give us our shot at hooking up. With more and more baitfish showing up every year it’s always exciting to see what size and class of fish show up! Looking forward to the new season as new groups and different size class tuna should be showing up off of Gloucester.
Thanks to all who joined us aboard the Karen Lynn we always appreciate returning clients as well as all the new clients who joined us and we hope to see you again. High hopes for a great new season, always look forward to seeing old friends and making new ones creating some great memories on the water!
Karen Lynn Charters Striped Bass Fishing Gloucester,MA.
Karen Lynn Charters Striped Bass Fishing Gloucester,MA.
Karen Lynn Charters Striped Bass Fishing Gloucester,MA.
The Karen Lynn enjoyed a great 2012 season! Beautiful North Shore weather was upon us most days creating great times spent on the water. Exceptional amounts of life wherever you went. Large numbers of baitfish, the most I have seen in quite some time. This set the stage for some great fishing action!
Ground fishing began mid April with many charters enjoying non stop action reeling up nice New England Cod and Haddock. Most of cod and haddock fishing was done in less than a 150 feet of water which is always nice! These trips always make for great fun as multiple people are fishing at once and usually in competition with one another. Not to mention cod and haddock are some of the best eating fish the ocean has to offer!
Striped Bass fishing off of Gloucester, MA was very productive as well, producing many trophy sized Striped Bass. Striped Bass season starts in June. As the bait starts to show up the Stripers aren’t far behind them. There is nothing like seeing a monster bass come up and crash on your bait! It is always a fun time out there going after our most prized game fish the Striped Bass.
The Blue fin Tuna season starts in June as well, what a exciting season it was! Tons of life bait, birds, whales, and of course tuna. A great show of tuna this year with many different size classes of fish showing up right outside of Gloucester, MA. We were very excited to see a good amount of the smaller class fish move in. The school Blue fin Tuna always creates a great opportunity for a exciting day on the water.
Blue Fin Tuna are a very tough fighting and beautiful fish to say the least! The Karen Lynn landed tuna this year ranging from the smallest being 39 inches and the largest taping out at 116 inches. It’s always a exciting trip filled with the anticipation of catching the toughest fighting fish in the ocean. Going home with some of the finest sushi in the world is just a bonus! Reeling in one of these beautiful creatures in is truly a memory that one will not soon forget.
We are looking forward to next season with high hopes of more excellent fishing. Thank you to all our returning and new clients who joined us this year aboard the Karen Lynn Gloucester, MA fishing charters.
Capt Collin MacKenzie
Some great photos attached from our 2012 Fishing Season !
With Spring fast approaching, I just wanted to say thank you to all who joined us aboard the Karen Lynn in 2011! As we enjoyed a great 2011 season , with excellent all around fishing enjoyed by all. Once again the waters off of Gloucester produced world class bluefin tuna, striped bass cod and haddock fishing, with many trophy fish being landed by our charter groups.
We are expecting a early and great start to the 2012 season due to the fact we have had such a mild winter. The Karen Lynn will be back fishing in April excited to get out for some early season ground fishing. High hopes for the upcoming season as it is shaping up to be a good one!
Feel free to contact us anytime with any questions at all you may have in regards to booking your 2012 charter aboard the Karen Lynn.
Thank You
Capt Collin MacKenzie
Karen Lynn Charters
Fishing charters off of Gloucester, MA have been great the past few weeks! With the Striped Bass fishing charters continuing to produce big fish. Tuna fishing is just starting to heat up with more fish showing up as each day goes by. The Tuna/Cod and Haddock combo trips are a great way to get out there. And enjoy both types of fishing with a very short ride from one spot to the next. Finally the warm weather has settled in with the fish starting to move in as well, we are looking forward to more excellent fishing! Feel free to call any time with questions you may have in regards to booking your fishing adventure aboard Karen Lynn Charters. Thanks!
Captain Collin
Karen Lynn Charters
The Karen Lynn enjoyed a great 2010 Season! Most of our days were spent on the water as we enjoyed the beautiful weather. Fishing was excellent as well! Our charter groups enjoyed world class Blue Fin Tuna Fishing, Ground Fishing, and Striped Bass Fishing.
This season a large variety of Blue Fin Tuna arrived close to home. We saw many schools of tuna in a variety of different sizes. On any given day you had a shot of landing a fish of a lifetime. There were very few days were we did not encounter excellent tuna action! On those quiet days where there was not much tuna activity we switched gears and headed for an afternoon of Ground Fishing. Once we arrived to our new location the rods were quickly bending with much fun and excitement had by all!
If the Karen Lynn was not out tuna fishing or ground fishing we were out looking for those monster striped bass. Whether we were using live bait or chumming there was great action to be had. Many days we landed multiple trophy Striped Bass. One of the largest stripers was caught on a charter weighing in at 48 lbs his first bass he had ever caught!
Karen Lynn had a great season for sure, and I have high hopes for 2011! The fish will return and they will be larger! We will be back fishing in April, enjoying those early season Haddock and looking forward to the opening of Cod season on April 15. A great way to shake off the cabin fever and enjoy the beautiful New England spring days!
Thanks to all of you who joined us aboard the Karen Lynn. I am looking forward to many great adventures in 2011!
Capt Collin
Karen Lynn Charters
We have been enjoying some great fishing the past week. As the ocean is exploding with life both inshore and offshore, as there has not been a trip yet including Striped Bass where we have not seen the Tuna chasing the small baits all over the place.
Due to the exciting appearance of the spike mackerel, which have not been around in over five years which have now shown up in large numbers and seem to be all over. Beautiful 3 to 5 inch spike macks which are as fast as can be, explaining the amazing tuna feeds and aerial displays we have been witnessing.
The tuna are up and down quick as the spike mackerel will not ball up as easily and create such an easy target as the small herring will. Both the small herring and the spike mackerel are around which at times paying attention you can tell which type of feed the tuna are on by how aggressive they are feeding. One clear sign is after a good feed drive over the spot and if they are on the herring you will clearly see a large scale shower, in turn helping you dial in your choice lures for the day and the area you are working.
I’m amazed at how close to shore they have been having them blow up in 35 feet of water, at times seeming oblivious to there location being so focused on chasing the spike mackerel very exciting to see.
We have been running some great Tuna/Cod combo trips as well as Tuna/Striped Bass combo trips which make for a great day on the water. I hope everyone is getting out there and enjoying truly world class fishing we have here right in our backyard. As it seems this year you never know what you will come across from a Great White to a Killer Whale. Good Luck to all !
Inshore Striped Bass fishing off Gloucester, MA has been great as we have had an exciting last couple of weeks. As the small bait and the mackerel continue to stick around more bass seem to be showing up. With some true trophy class Stripers mixed in. On one of our charters last week we had a gentlemen who had never caught a fish before never, land a beautiful 47″ 45+lb monster not bad for a first fish ! We joked as we told him he should just hang it up now. A few Bluefish have moved in not to many and I hope it stays that way, would be nice to see the bait stick around a bit. Plenty of life inshore get out there and enjoy it. Good luck to all !
Capt Collin