Fishing Reports

Excellent Giant Bluefin Tuna Fishing Karen Lynn Charters !

Giant Bluefin Tuna Charters Gloucester, MA

Giant Bluefin Tuna fishing charters off of Gloucester, Massachusetts has provided some memorable action throughout the season. As usual large amounts of bait as well as humpback, minke and fin back whales showed up off of Gloucester, MA. The Bluefin tuna is here for the same reason, to fatten up on the vast amounts of bait that gather in the area. As offshore structure such as Stellwagen Bank and Jefferey’s ledge create great areas for ocean life to collect. There is nothing like hooking up to a Giant Bluefin Tuna they truly are the toughest fish in the sea! Many Bluefin Tuna charter groups enjoyed the thrill of landing a Bluefin Tuna. We of course are not always successful but be assured we give it our upmost effort every time we leave the dock!

Giant Tuna Fishing
bluefin tuna fishing Karen Lynn Charters Gloucester, MA
Giant Tuna Fishing Gloucester, MA Karen Lynn Charters
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Karen Lynn Charters Great Striped Bass and Cod Fishing Continues !

Karen Lynn Charters Striped Bas, Tuna, Cod and Haddock Fishing Gloucester, MA

Fishing charters off of Gloucester, MA have been great the past few weeks! With the Striped Bass fishing charters continuing to produce big fish. Tuna fishing is just starting to heat up with more fish showing up as each day goes by. The Tuna/Cod and Haddock combo trips are a great way to get out there. And enjoy both types of fishing with a very short ride from one spot to the next. Finally the warm weather has settled in with the fish starting to move in as well, we are looking forward to more excellent fishing! Feel free to call any time with questions you may have in regards to booking your fishing adventure aboard Karen Lynn Charters. Thanks!

Captain Collin
Karen Lynn Charters

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Karen Lynn Charters Great Striped Bass Fishing !

Striped Bass Fishing Charters Gloucester, MA

Striped Bass Fishing Charters off of Gloucester, MA has been great the past couple weeks. This is such a great time to get out there and enjoy some excellent fishing for Stripers. Whether you are live lining a mackerel or casting your favorite lures, there is a great chance of a trophy Bass lurking below ! Here is 14 year old Jake with a nice 50″ Striped Bass! Not to bad for his first Striper that he has ever caught! Which is both good and bad as shortly after he had landed his monster Striped Bass, he turned to his dad and said ” dad I am not to sure I want to fish in the lake any more “. He now has the bug for the rest of his life I am sure, always a great thing to get a kid out there fishing ! Good luck to all.

Captain Collin
Karen Lynn Charters

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Karen Lynn Charters Featured In May 2011 Issue Of Saltwater Sportsman Magazine !

Bluefin Tuna Fishing Gloucester, MA

Check it out, as myself Captain Collin MacKenzie and the Karen Lynn fishing out of Gloucester, MA, were featured in the May 2011 Pro issue of Saltwater Sportsman Magazine on “How to target Boston Bluefin” !

I have always wanted to be featured in Saltwater Sportsman Magazine ever since I was a kid! Hard work and a strong passion and love for fishing made things come together. Very lucky to be tuna fishing out of Gloucester, MA as its one of the best places to do so!

Saltwater Sportsman Magazine May 2011 Pro Issue Karen Lynn Article !

tuna fishing charters Gloucester, MA

1/7/2011 Karen Lynn Charters Great 2010 Season !

The Karen Lynn enjoyed a great 2010 Season! Most of our days were spent on the water as we enjoyed the beautiful weather. Fishing was excellent as well! Our charter groups enjoyed world class Blue Fin Tuna Fishing, Ground Fishing, and Striped Bass Fishing.

This season a large variety of Blue Fin Tuna arrived close to home. We saw many schools of tuna in a variety of different sizes. On any given day you had a shot of landing a fish of a lifetime. There were very few days were we did not encounter excellent tuna action! On those quiet days where there was not much tuna activity we switched gears and headed for an afternoon of Ground Fishing. Once we arrived to our new location the rods were quickly bending with much fun and excitement had by all!

If the Karen Lynn was not out tuna fishing or ground fishing we were out looking for those monster striped bass. Whether we were using live bait or chumming there was great action to be had. Many days we landed multiple trophy Striped Bass. One of the largest stripers was caught on a charter weighing in at 48 lbs his first bass…(continue reading)

10/1/2010 Karen Lynn Charters Fishing Report Gloucester,MA !

We have been enjoying great fishing and beautiful weather this past month. With great fishing action all the way around ! People have been enjoying some great tuna/cod combo trips as it is a great way to mix things up. If the tuna fishing is slow or you have gotten your tuna fix for the day the bottom fishing grounds are not to far away. Put the tunes on and drop the lines as everyone will get a chance to bend the rod and take home some great table fare as well. Plenty of great fishing left to be had as it is shaping up for some great fall tuna fishing, with the mackerel moving back in we are hoping to see some great action. You have to love those beautiful crisp fall days when the fishing action can be non stop at times ! We have great dates still available feel free to call or e mail us with any questions you may have booking your trip with Karen Lynn Charters. Good Luck to all !

Capt Collin
Gloucester, MA Giant bluefin tuna fishing Karen Lynn Charters
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7/28/2010 Karen Lynn Charters Fishing Report Great Striped Bass,Tuna and Cod Fishing !

karen lynn charters,striped bass,fishing,gloucester,massachusettsstriped bass fishing Massachusetts Karen Lynn Charterscod and haddock fishing Gloucester, MA Karen Lynn ChartersWe have been enjoying some great fishing the past week. As the ocean is exploding with life both inshore and offshore, as there has not been a trip yet including Striped Bass where we have not seen the Tuna chasing the small baits all over the place.

Due to the exciting appearance of the spike mackerel, which have not been around in over five years which have now shown up in large numbers and seem to be all over. Beautiful 3 to 5 inch spike macks which are as fast as can be, explaining the amazing tuna feeds and aerial displays we…(continue reading)

Karen Lynn Charters Great Striped Bass Fishing Gloucester,MA !

Inshore Striped Bass fishing off Gloucester, MA has been great as we have had an exciting last couple of weeks. As the small bait and the mackerel continue to stick around more bass seem to be showing up. With some true trophy class Stripers mixed in. On one of our charters last week we had a gentlemen who had never caught a fish before never, land a beautiful 47″ 45+lb monster not bad for a first fish ! We joked as we told him he should just hang it up now. A few Bluefish have moved in not to many and I hope it stays that way, would be nice to see the bait stick around a bit. Plenty of life inshore get out there and enjoy it. Good luck to all !

Capt Collin

Karen Lynn Charters Bluefin Tuna Fishing Report Gloucester,MA !

Another great day on the water as we were back at again yesterday. Once again we would be heading out in the pea soup fog, could not even see the bridge from the slip felt like we were trapped in a bubble the last couple of days. It finally lifted in the afternoon and the sun popped no doubt a mood changer for sure. Marking a decent amount of fish bouncing off the bottom feeding in the tightly packed groups of sand eels, which have not moved off the bottom much at all. Which would explain the lack of whales and birds on the bank once the temp comes up a little they should become more active.

We were quickly on a fish a half hour into fishing which is always a nice thing. Very hard fighting fish once again taking some good initial runs which create that beautiful noise we all live to hear. The fish we landed and released were in the 70 inch to 71 inch class a little smaller than the previous day….(continue reading)

Karen Lynn Charters Tuna Fishing Report Gloucester,MA !

Great day on the water today as we put our first commercial keeper on board 75″, as well as catching and releasing three others in the 70″ range. Great start to the season as it is only June 2, I hope it keeps up. This is our class of fish returning in the 70″ range and they will certaintly be tackle testers especially in June when they are lean and mean pulling 35 to 40lbs of drag on the intial run pretty fast. Good reports up north as well as down south of smaller class fish showing up as well always great to hopefully see the cycle starting over! Make sure your gear is tip top if your are planning to tackle these fish on light and spinning gear as they will put you and your tackle to the test. You may want to re new that gym membership after all. Good luck guys as it is shaping up to be a great season. Good luck to all!

Capt Collin