Fishing Reports

Fishing Charters Gloucester Massachusetts

Karen Lynn fishing charters Gloucester, Massachusetts. Bluefin tuna fishing, Striped Bass fishing , Cod and Haddock fishing as well as Shark fishing.

2024 fishing season is underway and we are very excited for new adventures and meeting new people. With a mild winter and warmer waters we are expecting good fishing conditions. 

Whether you are looking to take out friends and family or new and existing business clients we can suit all of your needs. We will teach you all you need to know to catch fish, most of our groups are new to fishing. Nothing like creating great memories out on the ocean!

Feel free to reach out anytime with any questions at all you may have in regards to booking your adventure with us! Thanks!

Capt Collin MacKenzie


   fishing for tuna Gloucester, Massachusettsstriped bass charters Gloucester, MAtuna fishing charters Gloucester, MA deep sea fishing charter Gloucester, MA

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Tuna Fishing Charters Gloucester, MA

Tuna fishing charters Gloucester, MA. Gloucester, Massachusetts provides some of the best Bluefin Tuna Fishing in the world! Most of our fishing spots are not to far away from the dock, given the amazing underwater structure that is located not to far off of Gloucester’s coastline. The Giant Bluefin Tuna is one of the baddest fish in the sea! Capable of growing over 1500lbs and swimming up to 50mph! It truly can be a amazing experience and a memory of a lifetime to tangle with one of these fish. 

The Bluefin Tuna will show up mid June and hang out off of our coastline up until December. Giving great opportunities to fish for them all summer and through the fall!

Enjoy some pictures of our past Giant Bluefin Tuna catches from last season! Thanks!

Capt Collin Mackenzie


Haddock Fishing Charters Gloucester, MA

Haddock fishing charters Gloucester, MA. We have been enjoying great haddock fishing so far this spring pretty close to home. Only a short boat ride from the dock groups have been having fun catching both haddock, cod , redfish and other species. Always a fun trip as groups are all fishing at the same time, reeling up multiple species of fish in a trip. Going home with beautiful fresh haddock filets is always a great bonus! A great trip for both beginners and advanced fisherman alike. 

Capt Collin MacKenzie


Fishing Charters Gloucester, MA

Gloucester, MA fishing charters

Fishing charters Gloucester, MA aboard the Karen Lynn are underway and off to a great start with excellent haddock fishing!

Haddock fishing out of Gloucester, MA is a popular trip aboard the Karen Lynn. We are usually not fishing to far from home as Gloucester offers deep water structure where haddock tend to hang out not to far offshore.  (more…)

Kids Fishing Charters Gloucester, MA

kids fishing charters

kids fishing charters Gloucester, MA

charter fishing gloucester, ma

One of the many great things about fishing is that there’s no age restriction. Anglers young and old can both enjoy a day spent on the water fishing off of Gloucester, MA. Plus, introducing your young ones to the sport can help spark a long-lasting love affair full of casts, catches and great memories!

Its Heating Up in Gloucester

Warm weather is right around the corner! Get out on the water and away from it all with a fun day of fishing. Contact us anytime to book your adventure on the water! Thanks!

Capt Collin MacKenzie


Fishing Charters Gloucester, MA Tuna, Striped Bass, Haddock

gloucester tuna fishing charters

tuna fishing charters Gloucester ma

Excellent fishing charters off Gloucester, MA continue aboard the Karen Lynn!

We have been enjoying some great Haddock and Striped Bass fishing over the past couple of weeks! The weather has been very nice and the ocean is full of life and it should continue to get better.

The Haddock fishing and Striped Bass fishing has been producing, creating some great trips and folks bringing home some of the best fresh fish the ocean has to offer!


Gloucester, MA Fishing Charters Excellent Haddock Fishing!