The Karen Lynn has been charter fishing Gloucester, MA for quite some time now. Fishing for Bluefin Tuna, Monster Striped Bass, Cod and Haddock, and Sharks. Karen Lynn Charters is located at the Cape Ann Marina in Gloucester, MA.
The Karen Lynn is off and running as we had our first charter on Friday. After a long winter and much boat preparation it sure feels nice to get back out on the water. Along with routine boat maintenance on the Karen Lynn we re painted and added new non skid to the deck as well as new L.E.D deck lights and sweet new Bose speakers for the cock pit. Very excited to get the 2010 season going!
On Friday we headed out to the bank for some ground fishing with our group from Connecticut. As the morning started off slow with a slow pick on cod we decided to run further down the bank coming across groups of feeding hump backs. In with the whales were schools of large Pollack feeding on sand eels and mackerel as the mackerel were jumping on the cod teasers as we came across small bunches of mackerel through out the day. The Pollack a.k.a Boston bluefish were very aggressive to say the least hitting jigs and teasers 20′ under the boat. As far as ground fishing goes switching up to lighter gear and butterfly jigs can be quite a blast with these large drag pulling Pollack great table fare as well.
We ended up the day finding a few more nice bunches of cod with a few haddock. Great day overall as the bank is showing great signs of life catching cod, haddock, Pollack, and mackerel all while being surrounded by bubble feeding humpbacks. Truly an amazing event in nature as sometimes you just have to sit back and enjoy it.
Ran into much life inshore on the steam home as there were feeding minkie whales only a few miles off of the breakwater. Marked lot’s of bait up off the bottom assuming small herring, along with coming across small batches of mackerel which should become more plentiful very soon. Action will continue to heat up as the predators are not very far behind!
Feel free to give me a call anytime regarding your custom charter aboard the Karen Lynn. Thanks
Good Luck to all!
Capt Collin
Stellwagen bank continues to produce world class fishing!
Our last couple of trips produced multiple catches on both Saturday and Tuesday.
On both trips we were seeing plenty of life, with fish busting here and there as soon as we left Gloucester Harbor.
We are enjoying some great November weather, with plenty of fish left still actively feeding on the bank.
Boy are these fish fat!. It’s truly amazing to witness the amount of girth the blue fin tuna puts on over the course of the summer.
These mid November tuna develop into the nicest quality fish you will see. It doesn’t get much better! They have amazing oil content and great fat throughout.
The fish that we boated on one trip was 71″. Next trip we boated the cookie cutter fish of this year at 67″.
They sure do fight tough in that cold water! We are hoping for some more nice weather to get a couple more shots in.
Good luck to all!
Captain Collin
Our past couple of trips on the Karen Lynn have produced some truly world class fishing.
Stellwagen is producing great non stop action with trips enjoying multiple catches. Our charter returned from last weekend for some more action, as well as a charter with guys flying in from Alaska and Maryland.
The weather cooperated as we enjoyed great late season fishing. There is much life on the water right now, with the action starting only a few miles outside Gloucester harbor. Both days on the ride out, we came across small schools of 35″ to 50″ class tuna busting on the surface.
We had loads of 5″ to 7″ herring schools all over the place. I have never seen herring like this before right outside Gloucester harbor! Gannet’s dive bombing as far as the eye could see. The herring boat restrictions are starting to show a positive impact.
We enjoyed the show on the way out as we continued steaming to the bank. There are plenty of different size class fish still actively feeding on the bank. The fish we brought to the boat ranged from 55″ to the largest being a nice 70″ class fish tagged and released. The late season blue fin tuna fishing on Stellwagen is excellent right now, and I don’t see it slowing down any time soon. Hoping for a few more nice weather windows to get back out there.
Good Luck to all!
Capt Collin
Great day on the water ! Started off not so good with myself making the call of not going at 4:00am. My cousin Mike who was mate for the day was already down the boat. So we decided we should go out and give the giant’s a shot. As we were still close to home trying to make bait it was turning into a beautiful day wind died right out. I gave the charter a call back and told them we should give it a go. As it was a father and son and his son’s friend they were very excited to say the least. We picked them up at the new cruiseport inside Gloucester harbor. We then headed out to the bank with large rollers still left over not bad at all. Slow start as we arrived around 11:00am. With the Patriots game on the sun shining and a beautiful late October day the rod goes off. The two young boys we had on the boat were fishing finatics to say the least. What a great job they both did getting the fish to the boat. A short time later we boated a nice 44″ BFT turning the whole day around. A very excited crew and all glad we decided to go ahead with the trip. As we were listening to the Pats kicking butt in London we go off again. With the drag screaming pretty good we knew this was a better fish. We strapped Jackson into the harness and he went to work. We ended up boating a beautiful 68″ BFT in about 15 minutes. Which ended up giving us the slot limit and making it a banner day. Father and son trips are my favorite as it is thrilling to see the bonding that takes place. With the seas calm and the sun setting what a great ride home it was. A great trip that we all will not soon forget. Thanks
Capt Collin
A great day had on the bank with the Hanney Charter catching four Tuna between 44″ and 70″ and tagged and released three. A little sloppy in the afternoon when the wind came up, but the group did a great job getting the fish to the boat. This trip was about a week ago and still many tuna around for sure. As it has been a great October so far for both tuna and the ground fish. Lots of life still around as the tuna will be migrating out of the area very soon. Hoping to end the season off with a few more great trips! I have attached some photos from a few recent trips as well. Thanks to all.
Capt Collin
Karen Lynn Charters
Fishing continues to be great.
We have had some great recent tuna/cod combo trips. Tuna continue to show up on the bank with all different size classes mixed in.
We have recently caught some 45″ class fish, which is very good to see. Many reports of even smaller tuna are being seen as well. Nat told me he saw some little guys up on Jeffery’s. Twenty pounders all over the place! Very exciting to see that size class making their way here.
It seems there is enough bait and excitement here for the tuna to come back year after year, hopefully! Half beaks are all over the place, a bunch were seen a couple of miles out. Always exciting to see the tuna chasing the ballyhoo, watching them sky rocket up to ten feet at times.
Hopefully the weather cooperates, as there is plenty of tuna time left!
Good Luck to all! Thanks
Capt Collin
We recently had the pleasure of fishing with a few fellow charter boat captains from Texas.
They booked the Karen Lynn for two days of Blue fin tuna fishing .They were very excited to experience the Blue fin tuna fishery we have here. Great weather was upon us, and they could not have picked a better two days to be on the water. They were so envious of the short run we have to the fishing grounds. ‘Twelve miles”… they kept saying”.We have ninety miles to run to get to our closest spot.”
We are very lucky to have such a short run. They were equally amazed at what a beautiful fishing area we have . A great reminder of how lucky we are, and to to never take it for granted.
As far as the fishing goes, they could not have hit it better. As soon as we arrived on the bank, tuna were busting all over the place! Feeding very aggressively on the half beaks, they were coming clearly out of the water a good five to ten feet. What a great site to see for these guys, and anyone for that matter!
Lines in, and about twenty minutes later we were hooked up. A short time later we boated a beautiful 67″ BFT. The crew was very excited to say the least. These fishermen had accomplished what they came to Gloucester for. Fishing continued to be great as they all had the chance to fight their own tuna.
The next day proved to be another great one. The Texas boys already had sweet tuna steaks vacuum bagged and ready to ship back to Texas. So that day was all about tagging and releasing tuna. The tuna were once again busting the surface all over the place. We quickly had a double hook up.. unfortunately pulling the hook on one early. The other came in quickly for a great tag and release. We ended up tagging one more for the day.
The guys were excited to give cod fishing a try. We ended up catching a good amount of keeper cod. They were not rookies to bottom fishing, as they do a bunch of it for grouper.
With another species to add to their list, we headed for the barn. With a great couple of days of fishing wrapped up, Ian and I were relieved that we had the chance to show them what an amazing fishery we have here in our own back yard!
Capt Collin
Great day on the water. As we departed with a father, son and daughter charter aboard the Karen Lynn. The seas were some what choppy out there. As the crew was not feeling to well already. Things were not looking to bright. As we came upon some life after not seeing much. The first fish is on and the reel is screeming. Instantly the whole crew is feeling a whole lot better. We get the 14 year old girl in the harness and she goes to work. What a amazing job she did getting the fish boat side in under 15 minutes. We pull a fat 67″ fish on the deck she was amazed to say the least. What a feat for a young girl like that, truly a memory of a lifetime. Fishing continued to pick up as both the father and son getting to reel in a fish. First one was about the same 67″ tagged and released. The father had a nice one on and after a great battle. We tagged and released a nice 71″ fish. Hopefully fishing continues to improve out there. The moon is upon us always intresting to see what it brings. Good luck to all! Thanks
Great few days fishing out on the bank. On Friday we landed a nice 53″ tuna. Yes being excited about catching a smaller fish sounds silly. Although it is great to see a smaller class of tuna show up on the bank, for many reasons. The life continues to show on the bank more and more everyday. We have had some great Tuna/Cod combo trips on the bank this last week. High hopes for the month of September. Good luck to all! Thanks
Capt Collin