Month: April 2009
Almost Ready to Splash the Karen Lynn!
We are wrapping up our Winter Projects and Maintenance of the Karen Lynn. We will be splashing the boat and bringing it to Gloucester from Perkins Marina in Essex in a week.
We made a lot of progress this week and we Collin and I saw some crucial pieces of the winter projects come together really well.
First with the help of Paul “Woggy” Champagne, who is a great Glass and Gel Repair, fisherman and boat builder from Maine, we complete the Tuna door which came out really well. We ended up with a good and steep ramp that will help with the Karen Lynn’s deck being higher off the water than most boats.
Shot of Closed Door from Outside
Collin through the Open Door.
Additionally, we got the new Livewell/ Ice Storage Box finished and hoisted up on deck thanks to Ed Perkins and his crane, then fastened down and I am finishing up the plumbing and electrical to it this weekend. Also we sanded and re-coated our deck with non-skid. This time, instead of using Awl-grip which is not only very expensive but we found to be slippery without a very aggressive non-skid added, we used PPG’s Epoxy “Ameron”. Time will tell but it looks to be very rugged stuff and was easy to put on.
We have a few more things to finish then bottom paint, a lot of cleaning, and then is time to Jig Cod and Haddock!
Jim Ansara
Karen Lynn Charters